Do you find yourself wanting, in fact needing-to sink your teeth into something not because you’re hungry but to fill that awful hollow inside yourself? The type of boredom that feels so unbearable that it drives us to the point of wanting to push that awful feeling way with food, is a sign of our soul trying to wake us … Read More
Superfoods 2018
A new year means a new list of superfoods that are hyped up for a short period of time, and for anyone looking for the healthiest foods to add to their diet, having a list of more than one superfood can get overwhelming and expensive. In previous years, foods like kale, cauliflower and Goji berries have been given this title, … Read More
The Static Beast Challenge
Greetings everyone, I hope you are well. As you may or may not know, I am a very big fan of Animal Flow for what it brings into my training and what I can then pass onto all of you. What you see here in this video is Mike Fitch, the founder of Animal Flow demonstrating one of the foundation … Read More
Soup: The new wonder meal
With the weather cooling down(hopefully) and the Winter upon us how can we keep ourselves satiated on our way home from work or at home without too much fuss. Soup, Soup, Soup. I am a big fan of soup. Maybe because of my European blood, but also as I love the idea of having a meal in a cup or … Read More
The benefits of a Battlerope training
The use of unconventional training implements such as battle ropes, kettle bells, tyres, sledge-hammers, bodyweight suspension devices and sleds, for example, has recently risen in popularity (1). Specifically, such uses range from those within the athletic strength and conditioning realm, through to the general public in order to achieve common fitness goals (1). The popularity of such training implements are … Read More
Who is responsible for the Burpee??
Ever do a burpee? Ever tackled a circuit that requires, say, five rounds of 15 burpees? If so, you might want someone to blame for bringing this uniquely punishing movement into the world and to the attention of coaches, trainers and fitness enthusiasts. So at whom can we shake our sweaty, exhausted fists? It’s the exercise that only the very, … Read More
Recovery from Exercise – Looking at what’s Best
The human body operates most efficiently when it is in balance, or has achieved a state known as homeostasis. As such, optimal recovery means that all body systems have returned to the state they were in before exercise (homeostasis). However, for most avid exercisers, recovery is a limiting factor. The better you can recover, the sooner and better you can … Read More
Physical activity Guidelines for 13-17 year olds
With our future society on a rapid de-evolution of movement, I thought I’d touch base with you to inform you of the Physical Activity Guidelines for 13-17 year olds. I would like to see more activity at schools during PDHPE classes. In fact, I’d like to see the Health and Personal Development scrapped and replaced with pure fitness, coordination and … Read More
You asked for it!! Here is Yoga!
Just to put it out there. I am not a yoga expert in any way. I do suggest people participate in a form of yoga or stretching of their choice to maintain movement, mobility and flexibility. How they do this is totally up to them. Now, how did I come up with this blog. Over the years, I have been … Read More
Cut out added sugar and change your life.
In neuroscience, food is something we call a “natural reward.” In order for us to survive as a species, things like eating, having sex and nurturing others must be pleasurable to the brain so that these behaviors are reinforced and repeated. How much sugar is OK? Evolution has resulted in the meso-limbic pathway, a brain system that deciphers these natural … Read More